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AngularJS Tutorial

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In this tutorial I clear up all of the jargon in AngularJS through a ton of examples. We'll cover the Model View Controller pattern and how it works with AngularJS. I'll then provide examples that explain AngularJS Modules, Directives, Scope, and Expressions.

Beyond those topics I'll also cover dependency injection, ng-app, ng-init, ng-controller, ng-model, event handling, data-ng-bind, ng-repeat, multiple views, multiple controllers, ng-cloak, $index, $first, $last, $middle, $even, $odd, ng-repeat-start, ng-repeat-end, ng-include, ng-switch, ng-switch-when, ng-disabled, ng-hide, ng-show, ng-class and much more.

Thank you to Patreon supports like the following for helping me make this video




  1. Atrix Wolfe

    Thanks for all of these videos. They make great reference materials when I’m curious about what something does or if I’ve been out of practice. When it’s not a right tool for the right job type of situation is there any language that you prefer to use whenever possible?

  2. Gual Casas

    Hello Derek!

    I have a question. Why do you need to use the single quotes when specifying the class in the ng-class-even and ng-class-odd directives, but not when styling “Some Random Text”?

  3. Terry D'Silva

    Hey Derek! Love your videos and your style! How about a video tutorial on Reactjs? I bet there are a ton of web developers who would appreciate a course on it from you. I certainly would! Thanks for every thing!

  4. shackhound

    Hey. Thank you for your exemplary tutorials. You simply truncate the curve! It’s so cool to be immediately & cogently infused with useful knowledge & examples every time I watch a vid of yours! Now, I’ll go back to determining if I am a bumbling idiot or the worlds poorest software engineer!

  5. Andrew Reid

    Great video. We use angularjs where I work heavily and I will be recommending this to our next batch of hires. We also layer typescript on top of angular, so feel free to toss up a typescript video in the future 😉

  6. Mark Key

    Great tutorial, +Derek Banas! I can’t wait to work through the next 3.

    I have a question. At 4:00 you say you are going to “define the AngularJS **model**”, then you add “and **modules** are basically used to…”
    In the above statement, did you mean to say “the AngularJS **module**” (instead of **model**)? Or did you mean the .js file as a whole is the **model**, and the ‘var app1 = …’ is the **module**?


  7. Xzavier Wilson

    Great stuff Derek. Liked, Subscribed, Commenting:

    Your explanation of ng-repeat got me thinking,

    Do you have an idea on a good way to implement infinite pagination with AngularJS – as in a carousel that continuously loops through a container of the same html elements during scrolling?

    – Xzavier

  8. Abdul Jabbar

    Love the way you instruct lessons, loads of information in short time. Which otherwise may take at least couple of days or may be week if someone had to learn by himself. Thanks Derek.
    Count me on list of fans you have :). Cheers. God bless!

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