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Angular Tutorial in Hindi

Angular Complete Course: In this video, I will explain to you everything you need to get started with the Angular framework. Angular is a very popular framework used to create single-page applications (SPA). This video will cover an Angular Project in Hindi wherein we will be building a client-side Todos List app from scratch
►Source Code:
00:00 – Introduction
02:39 – Installing npm and node js
05:00 – Installing Angular CLI
11:54 – Getting Started with Angular
12:53 – VS Code
16:03 – Creating first Angular App
17:53 – Playing around with App component
22:17 – Why Bootstrap?
23:39 – Installing Bootstrap in Angular
27:28 – Generating Components
36:24 – Getting Started with Todo Application
40:45 – Creating Todo Component
58:10 – Event handling in Angular
59:26 – Event Emitter in Angular
01:06:20 – Generating Component to add Todo
01:10:12 – Adding Forms in Todo
01:22:25 – Saving all Todo items
01:28:19 – NgClass in angular
01:39:38 – Complete Review of Code (Todo App)
04:43:04 – Routing
01:50:29 – Creating about page
01:52:02 – Deploying Our Project
01:55:57 – Free hosting on Github
01:57:54 – Where to go from here

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  1. Narendra Maravi

    I must say, you have done a great job. A great help for the struggling beginners who are new to this concept. Video is very much self describing. Greatly appreciated. There are still lot of complex topics such as reactive programming (ReactJs, Redux, RxJs), newest angular version highlights and how to perform version upgrades. It would be of great help if you can post a video for the same.

  2. Alpana Srivastava

    This video is awesome !! I am totally new to Angular and web development though I have prior 14 years of experience. This video has given me a immense confidence and understanding of angular . I would request you if you can make a more comprehensive tutorial (full course) in angular . That will be a huge help

  3. a b

    Harry Sir, its my humble request. Please complete all the videos of the playlist-“Data Structures and Algorithms in Hindi”. ??
    I loved that Course but some important topics are missing. ??

  4. ashita shukla

    Hi Harry, it seems very helpful to understand framework you explained in each of your videos, I request you to kindly help to understand use of micro frontend, specially Single SPA to expose multiple version of Angular/AngularJs in root container . Your response will be really fruitful for better understanding. All the best

  5. Wake Up Time India

    You are really good trainner☺️ I have one question on angular as you mentioned type script in between training . So do we need to learn type script first before starting angular?

  6. Riya Singh

    Hello Sir, Thank you so much for so much efforts!! it’s a very helpful tutorial. You have explained in the most brilliant ways possible!… Please can you share some resources on typescript? I have not been able to find under your playlist. I just want to learn how to display JSON data from a url using TS. Many thanks in advance. ~Riya

  7. Malik Usman

    It would be great if you use any database instead of local storage. i think it will be new topic to learn because you used local storage in every tutorials like, vue.js and now in this as well. its suggestion @codeWithHarry. hope fully you will do it….

  8. Jitendra Mistry

    This video is awesome !! I am totally new to Angular and web development though I have prior 14 years of experience. This video has given me a immense confidence and understanding of angular . I would request you if you can make a more comprehensive tutorial (full course) in angular . That will be a huge help

  9. Supratim Paul

    Wonderful content, but I think when it’s about beginners, they are required to have GIT installed and modification of Execution_Policies (may use the command “ser-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted’ in powershell -Admin with option Y)… I am also new in this field, so I’ll appreciate your suggestion.

    1. divya singh

      helpful videos…i need one help from you can i switch into AngularJS html css javascript frontend developer..i have done BTech..bt working in non tech field.. please help me sir suggest me so i can start my career in it

  10. Siddheshwar Panda

    Great Tutorial. कम time में ज्यादा knowledge, ऐसा नहीं की quality के साथ compromise हुआ है। ??? Learnt a lot from this video. Understood all basic concepts of Angular. And also added a project to my resume ??

  11. Vinay Bairagi

    Thank you so much for this level of explanations in one video, This is ideal video for every beginners I also learned a loot of things from this video, once I need to remember somethings in the angular and I stuck in somewhere it helps a loot till now. I request you to have a video on Stencil CLI framework for the Big Commerce purpose it uses Stencil in JS and we need a loot of explanations to work on this because there is a little bit content available to learn something who doesn’t much relate to our work what we need to implement as a beginner.

  12. programming Life

    This angular tutorial is really helpful thank u harry bhai I don’t know where would I be if I had not come across this channel genuinely I love this way of teaching and the simplicity of your words thanks a lot

  13. SAW Kk

    before proceding to Angular tutorial, i recommend everyone to go through typescript first, if you are familiar with class, interface, inheritace, constructor then it will be easy to cover and will help alot in Angular. thank you.

  14. Sunny Raj

    excellent tutorial, suggestions – please use terms also after explaining the concept because whenever someone learns it and interact with someone they won’t understand even though they know it because ppl use terms at enterprise level, like you explained interpolation very nicely but didn’t mention the term. Kudos !!

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