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Angular – Node – MongoDB & Express (MEAN) Tutorial for Beginners – Getting Started

Angular 2+ and NodeJS, together with ExpressJS & MongoDB form the very popular MEAN stack!
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Benefit from the many improvements and advantages Angular offers you: Speed, ease of development, highly reactive, awesome support for asynchronous operations, great scalability and more!
And combine these advantages with the power of a NodeJS + Express + MongoDB backend!


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See you in the videos!


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  1. Filip Antic

    Hey Max, you are doing great work, maybe you can add some relational database in some future courses. Most of your courses are with no sql db. Node js. + relational db would be great 🙂

  2. Forest Moher

    If you are running into the error: “Property ‘content’ does not exist on type ‘never’ ” when using the ngIf expression (timestamp 1:42:00), try defining posts like this in your post-list.component.ts file: posts:{title: string, content: string}[]=[];

  3. Machhindra Gaikwad

    Hi Max, Thank you for your great efforts. I learn lot of things about mean stack in this video, but cant find second part of this video, can you please reply the link. Because i am looking for complex queries in mongodb just like we see tabular output in mssql. Thank you.

  4. keshav vinay

    After watching this… i purchased the course in udemy and its really worth. Finally, understood the flow and also learned what all best practices need to be done. It could have been really helpful if there is a topic related to websocket.

  5. GamesTechMX

    Hi Max! Thank you for all the great videos and courses! I think I’ve gone through 3 of your complete courses in less than a month! I was wondering what your opinion is about replacing the Node+Express+MongoDB part of the MEAN stack with MONGODB+MongoStitch (a MAS stack?). Any chance for a course on that? Thanks!

  6. Mile Mijatovic

    You are awesome teacher Max, I bought your Angular and MEAN Stack cources from Udemy. Really really helpful and understandable. Please tell me do you have any tutorial about different authentication (user and admin), and if you have some, I would like to see. I know that you have user authentication tutorials, but I can not find any with user and admin. Thank you

  7. DoctorMandible

    Absolutely loving this. I’m about to buy your course. One request for future videos: Please use a keystroke capture program to display what you’re typing along the bottom of the screen. That way we can follow along more easily while also learning the hotkeys you’re using. Thanks!

  8. Cheryl Jones

    Wow, this is the first course that I haven’t run into major issues with. So far, it has worked perfectly from the start. I love your style and have signed up for your course on Udemy! Thank you, I’m learning so much!

  9. Yevhen Pecherskykh

    Max, thank You for very interesting and useful lessons. You are one of the most pleasant teachers. Someday we need to touch relational databases, such as Mysql in combination with Node.

  10. sunny kushwaha

    we can use the command “ng generate component [name]” to generate new component. it automatically writes all the basic code needed for a component and also import it to app.module.ts. very easy and efficient.

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