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Angular In 60 Minutes


In this Angular crash course we will be diving into the Angular framework to look at all the fundamentals including Angular CLI, components, services, types, directives, events, HTTP, routing and more


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  1. Pavle Janjusevic

    You made me believe that i can be a developer.Im coding for a month now and im doing good.Everytime i am stuck at something i remember your words “dont give up” and “understand dont remember”.Thank you for helping thousands of people for free.This world needs more people like you, and im dead serious im not trying to get likes or anything. Keep it up

  2. lk srd

    You are the best tutor, thanks for sharing all the best stuff. Till now I have felt it’s very difficult to learn Angular but you have made it very simple and easy to learn. Thanks for that..

  3. Lisa Chantal Watson

    This was such an awesome tutorial for anyone starting out with angular. Thank you so much for taking the time to make it. 🙂 Now if you could show how to wrap it with Electron that would be awesome!

  4. Mitchell Wilson

    Awesome job once again… I literally spewed my coffee out watching one of your videos when you dropped a F-bomb. I cracked up for a good 5 minutes. Just makes it so much better with your down to earth approach to “watch me code”. The “well crap that didn’t work… hmmm oh here is what’s wrong” actually just adds to the learning experience on so many levels. Dropped ya a donation. Keep it up brother!

    1. Ben Even-Kesef

      I second this, I know this comment is really old. But I love that he leaves in mistakes. Troubleshooting is a big part of learning and coding in general. Seeing how you might tackle some problems real-time is extremely helpful.

  5. Mitesh Vlogs

    Thanks Brad because of your tutorial my basics are clear now. I was learning from the official angular site but got stuck at the service part. Thanks to you now, I understand Services and other things pretty clear. Thumbs up for you.

  6. Wessam A

    So glad to have found your channel. I’m forming a list of videos off your channel which I’ll burn through soon before I get started on my next project. Your videos are incredibly informative!

  7. Mike Gledhill

    Excellent course… really clear, and you’ve covered an amazing amount of stuff in 60 minutes.
    Best of all, it’s up to date… which isn’t something I can say about most of the Angular courses out there (eg some courses forget to mention that you *must* include the FormsModule, and how to use it).
    Great work, and yes, I bought your Udemy course.

  8. Ted's Custom Crafted Pens

    Thanks for this excellent tutorial. I bought the course at Udemy and look very forward to enjoying all 8.5 hours of it. Also subscribed to your youtube channel. Peace out!

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