Angular Full Course – Learn Angular In 3 Hours | Angular Tutorial For Beginners | Simplilearn
This video on Angular Full Course will introduce to you the fundamental concepts of this framework. Angular is a full-fledged JavaScript front-end framework used to create Single page applications. There's a great demand for angular developers in the market today. If you wish to learn Angular then this Angular Full Course video will definitely help.
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This Angular Full course will cover the following topics –
00:00:00 Angular Full Course Introduction
00:03:31 What is Angular?
00:04:25 Features of Angular
00:07:17 Angular Architecture
00:07:58 Advantages of Angular
00:09:35 Angular Versions
00:10:44 Limitations of Angular
00:12:50 Angular Hello world
00:17:48 Angular Components
00:20:14 Creating an Angular Component
00:26:45 Components Decorator
00:29:09 Angular Dependency Injection
00:30:44 Demerits of not using Dependency Injection
00:32:07 DI as a Design Pattern
00:32:54 Dependency Injection Demo
00:43:26 Angular Forms
00:44:16 Types of Form Building in Angular
00:46:16 Form Control and Form Group in Angular
01:03:16 Angular Services
01:05:16 Features of Angular Services
01:28:48 Angular Bootstrap
01:30:25 Embedding Bootstrap in Angular
01:31:16 Creating an App with Angular Bootstrap
01:54:46 Angular routing
02:08:06 React vs Angular vs Vue
02:16:50 What's new with Angular 10
02:25:55 Angular Interview Questions
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What Is Angular?
Angular is an open-source, JavaScript framework written in TypeScript. Google maintains it, and its primary purpose is to develop single-page applications. As a framework, Angular has clear advantages while also providing a standard structure for developers to work with. It enables users to create large applications in a maintainable manner.
About Simplilearn Angular Certification Training Course:
This Angular Certification Training Course will help you master front-end web development with Angular. Gain in-depth knowledge of concepts like facilitating the development of single-page web applications, dependency injection, typescript, components, and directives with this Angular Course. Simplilearn’s Angular certification course helps you understand the design of single-page applications and how Angular facilities their development. This Angular certification provides knowledge of concepts such as TypeScript, Bootstrap Grid System, dependency injections, SPA, forms, pipes, promises, observables, and Angular class testing.
Key Features:
✅ 50 hours of Applied Learning
✅ Three industry-based projects and 12 quizzes
✅ Free introductory JavaScript course
✅ Flexibility to choose classes
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@ziyad khan what version were/are you running? I had to upgrade to latest to get it to work. See my comment above.
I started learning angular from you. thank you
Hi like the way of your teaching , but i have an issue i installed bootstrap step by by step as your instruction but i don’t know its not working when i copy something from bootstrap.
Love ❤ for ur efforts and ur content
In future I am expecting
videos on Frontend roles and Responsibilities like
1. What actually do frontend developers do in realtime ( different tasks)
2.. How manage 4+ experience ( fake experience) in realtime
3. . How to crack any frontend interviews with 4+ years of experience
4…..Easy way to to crack any angular/reactjs interviews with 4+ experience/10lack package ——) ))
5….Top 20 program’s to cover entire angular/reactjs syllabus.—-))
6….Top 10 angular/reactjs concepts with examples
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Very clear tutorial
Here I got the evening what I looked for to get started with angular
Thanks ?
Glad it helped!
Best tutorial to start with angular. Quick and brief. Covers all basics clearly. Thanks for the tutorial simplilearn
Glad it was helpful!
i found that angular is very difficult framework until i watched this video .. great one .. keep up the good work
Glad it helped!
This is the tutorial I have been looking for. Thank you very much. Where can we get the codes?
Hello, thanks for viewing our tutorial. You can find your requested dataset in the video description. Hope that helps.
I have been trough a lot of tutorial of angular and this is the best by far… the hole video itself is excelent, the way that you aprocheaded its great and that final part? gold, noone do that, thanks for the video
Glad it helped!
Excellent way of teaching, but one thing which I miss in your tutorials is source code, can you upload the source code with your tutorials ?
@Marcio Tedesco exactly.
@Simplilearn Other idea is to create a GitHub repo with your content if you are willing to share
@Simplilearn I too would like a copy of the source code, please.
Good tutorial and excellent way of teaching. Thanks
Glad it was helpful!
you are the best in explanations in the whole youtube ..thank u so much!!
You’re very welcome! Thank you for watching!
On form submit at 55:58 I got a compilation error. Fixed using submit(login: any) syntax declaring the function
WOW !!! Very Detailed & Neatly Explained. Excellent !!
Glad you liked it! Thanks for watching!
It’s Really Simply to Learn.Good explanation
Glad you liked it
Sir can you please guide me regarding this problem
“Cannot find module ‘./app-routing.module’ or its corresponding type declarations.”
When you created your app, did you select the routing module? if not, you’ll need to install it.
Hi, Simplilearn provides online training across the world. We would be happy to help you regarding this. Please visit us at and drop us a query and we will get back to you! Thanks!
I’m using VS code snd it’s angular 11. We’re together until 56 minutes on the #login=”ngform” it’s no longer working.
The same applies to the form-component.ts when I added the login into the submit function. there a red squiggly line as well. It doesn’t recognize this login js login. If remove it, my code is fine.
console.log(“Form Submiter”,login)
with the error Parameter ‘login’ implicitly has an ‘any’ type.
I ended up doing
submit(login : any){
console.log(“Form Submiter”,login)
my code didn’t break.
Thanks for the quick and brief course on angular now I feel more confident to deep dive into it
We’re happy to help! Thank you for watching!
This is very good tutorial for beginner, thanks and appreciated.
Glad it was helpful!
The best Angular tutorial, you make it very easy to understand , thank you very much
Glad it helped! Thank you for watching!
Just what I needed to refresh and update myself with Angular for a job interview. Fingers crossed!
All the best! Thank you for watching!
Great tutorial! Thank you very much Simplilearn!!!!
Glad you liked it! Thank you for watching!