Angular full course in Hindi | complete | Version 11 & 10
this is angular complete tutorial for version 11 and version 10, we learn all topics of angular such as setup, file strtcure, component, module,api calls, forms, service etc in Hindi language. this is the best course for beginners in Hindi language.
0. (00:00) Video Introduction
1. (2:12) What is Angular
2. (6:50) Install Angular with cli
2. (12:47) File and folder structure in Angular app
3. (21:40) File and Folder Structure
4. (23:30) Write First Code
5. (26:56) Angular Interpolation
6. (34:35) What is component
7. (43:08) What is Module
8. (50:43) How to call a function
9. (54:44) Important events
10. (1:05:20) Get Text box value
11. (1:09:55) Property Binding
12. (1:15:39) If condition,if else condtion
13. (1:22:52) Switch Case in angular
14. (1:27:24) For Loop in Angular
15. (1:33:20) Forms in angular
16. (1:41:21) Header and footer
17. (1:48:43) Style binding in angular
18. (1:54:50) Bootstrap with angular
19. (2:03:19) Angular Material UI
20. (2:11:43) Pass data parent to child component
22. (2:18:15) Angular reusable component
22. (2:27:18) Pass data child to parent component
23. (2:35:50) what are Pips
24. (2:42:38) Angular routing basic
25. (2:53:22) 404 – page not found in angular
26. (2:57:51) Custom directive
27. (3:04:46) Angular services basic
28. (3:09:26) Call a simple API
29. (3:16:36) API data list in table
30. (3:22:25) Model in angular
31. (3:30:46) Recap Routing and Module
32. (3:39:36) Routing Module
33. (3:50:13) Group Routing
34. (4:01:43) Angular Lazy loading
35. (4:15:54) Lazy loading component
36. (4:25:53) Forms Introduction
37. (4:27:56) Template-driven Forms
38. (4:33:50) add bootstrap in angular forms
39. (4:39:17) Angular reactive forms
40. (4:51:19) Template-driven Forms validations
41. (5:02:33) Pre-filled Forms
42. (5:08:40) What is Reactive Forms
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React js new series with interview question around 100 videos
I have angular website and i want some change can you help me
Angular and Vue are best
@Noe Bishop fake
@Warren Mateo fake
@Code Step By Step yes sir
Thank you so much for making this tutorial. I always thought Angular is way tougher than React. But the way you are teaching its making Angular learning easy to understand and fun learning as well. I really appreciate your help, Sir.
This is really amazing and helpful ! Appreciate your efforts. Please give a series of projects tutorials too !
This likely means that the library (@angular/material/button) which declares MatButtonModule has not been processed correctly by ngcc, or is not compatible with Angular Ivy. Check if a newer version of the library is available, and update if so. Also consider checking with the library’s authors to see if the library is expected to be compatible with Ivy.
8 export declare class MatButtonModule { suffering with that error, when add angular-material and import in app.modules.ts
The complete series was awesome !♥ Loved the content
This Tutorial is simply great…!! Very well designed and explanation skill is awesome. Thank you
This is so helpful and very well designed. Really appreciate your efforts.
Thank You. I am a total beginner, with just little knowledge of html,css and javascript. I was worried of not finding the right video for angular. You explained all the basic of how it works and etc.
Thanks a lot bro. You explain it in a very simple way so any beginner can also understand it easily .
This Tutorial is simply great…!! Very well designed and explanation skill is awesome. Thank you So much *ANIL SIDHU*
The best ever video on the internet, Anil knows how to teach. You will learn each and every word he says. Thanks a lot
Thanks for this tutorial I understand everything quickly and more with native language hindi. I understand English I tried many time to watch other english angular tutorial but native language works so fast to understand anything. I am learning alot from this series, Again Thank you soooooo much for this tutorial series.
Really the way have explained is amazing, MashaAllah you have good knowledge, really many people might have got benefits from your series
It took more than 1/5 hr to finish the 51.01min video and I’m loving it. I think my night will go to finish angular basic but it worth it for me… Thank you to Anil Sidhu.
Welcome brother
01:05:00 Yes we can do multiple events inside a div eg.
@Robin’s here thanks bro
Yes we can do multiple events in a single tag?
Before this, I have also seen one crash course on angular but now I realized I missed a lot of concepts in that course. Thank you so much now at 4:51:03 and will complete it today InshaAllah.
Hello Sirji its really good and fast tutorial which I was expecting
@suggestions :
1. Please do write paste your theory small notepad lines here for each video this will help to understand what all sub topics covered in each video.
2. Please do paste commands used in each video and its use as its bit hard to find in 5 hours video it goes 2-5 minutes forward or backwards. eg : Make Component
Other than this this is awesome tutorial I will keep going and will suggest if anything required.
I also seen your Laravel 8 series, You are doing wonderful job for beginners. Keep it up.
I would say really great video, I really loved the way you taught angular from basics to some advanced concepts.
Thank you so much