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Angular for Beginners – Let’s build a Tic-Tac-Toe PWA

Learn the basics of Angular 8 ? by building a tic-tac-toe game ?️ from scratch…Then deploy it as an installable progressive web app (PWA). Go beyond the basics ?

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#angular #pwa #tutorial

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  1. R S

    For anyone confused at the Angular Console plugin part, Nx Console is the new name of the extension

    Also if you run into an issue with using ng new after npm installing the angular cli on windows, you may need to run your terminal as an admin; that’s what I had to do

  2. MO Nour

    I know your channel is not for complete beginners, but I really hope you do more explanation videos for people starting out like me, I really love your style but many things and concepts went over my head … I have so much to learn.

    Thanks for everything man, you’re an inspiration.

    1. Ricard Nikens Malla

      I do like the fact that he mentions a lot of something but some of them very shortly. At least you know “what you don’t know” (and can always google it). In some courses that I have taken on Angular, they don’t mention those concepts and then I found myself in a situation in which I didn’t event know what to google…
      Hope you are having fun and that you kept learning webdev! 😉

  3. Grosbras

    It would be great to have a tutorial with Angular and NestJS (even better if there is websocket in it!). Two very powerful frameworks, same global architecture, two powerful CLIs and same language. Thanks for your work!

  4. pampula

    This is pure gold. Thank you! I am starting out Angular and I would love to see a bit more content that is aimed for beginners but anyway you got yourself another pro member, absolutely love this tempo, explanations and I am even excited about the intermediate content that you have for pro members. Great job!

  5. Guillermo Villalta

    This is great, this video was my first experience developing something with Angular and really liked it! A few steps are overlooked but everything makes sense in the end.

    Thanks for your hard work.

  6. andres Ramirez

    Amazing, but one additional improvement: You should prevent additional moves when the winner is known. Adding something in the makeMove method will solve this (i.e. if the winner is not null, then return)

  7. Breeze

    Great video!! I have all my developers working me following you!!! Keep it up!! I hope you get into the details of lazy loading, not much out there on this and I think it would be beneficial to everyone!!

  8. Alex

    For people struggling towards the end because of Nx Console, you can type in the commands normally in your terminal window.
    These are the commands I needed to use towards the end of the project to deploy it:

    ng add @angular/fire
    ng add @angular/pwa
    ng build (can be done in nx console)
    ng deploy

  9. Karl Miller

    Hey there Fireship, love the tutorials, they’ve really accelerated my learning. I ran into a problem with this that I am scratching my head over. The tic tac toe board functions, but the buttons don’t fill type divs. Not sure if there was something omitted or it’s because the vids already outdated, couldn’t find where I missed it.
    This was a great introduction to angular for me and I’m excited to learn this framework! Hard to debug though, since all the generated code makes the process sort of invisible on the front end. I can see why its so worth learning now!

    1. ausgearbeitet

      I run in the same problem. Your can create or add following styles to the square.components.scss
      “button {
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
      font-size: 5em !important;
      or you need to copy it into styles: [ ] in the square.component.ts if you used inline functionality

  10. MijaelWatts

    Wow man, I really enjoyed this tutorial, thank u very much and congrats!

    I do believe this is not for total beginners but is what people with a lil’ bit more experience with the framework and want to speed up need.straight to the point, and short.

    Looking forward to keep checking ur vids 🙂

  11. valentina comerci

    Hey! thank you so much for the cool content, very helpful.
    when I click on one of the squares the next available one gets highlited instead, I thought it was just a problem I cause after customizing some stuff.
    I noticed it happens in your version too, I know the board technically works fine but do you (or anyone) know why it happens? how do I fix it ?

    Thank you.

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