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Angular 8 Admin Dashboard Panel from scratch using Angular Material, highcharts and flex-layout ??

The goal of this tutorial is to show how to create an Angular Dashboard from Scratch using Angular 8, Angular Material, Highchart and Flex-layout.

By the end of this tutorial, you will get an understanding of Shared Modules, Reusable Components, Routing, templating and how to use Charts in your projects.

Github repository:

– 00:18 Requirements
– 01:40 Install Dependencies (Angular Material, Highcharts and Flex-layout)
– 04:09 Layout definition
– 31:50 First Area Chart
– 37:50 The 4 Area Charts
– 49:47 Pie Chart
– 57:28 Exercise? (Table)

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  1. Sajan Mani

    Thank you so much for the tutorial. Observing this I was able to create a dashboard for my needs and it came out amazing. Thanks again for sharing such a wonderful tutorial, learnt a lot from this, being totally new to Angular.

    1. Sajan Mani

      Trying a us map chart now to display # of server hits from different states. Going with the example from highcharts site, code compiles fine, no errors but chart is not rendering, stuck. Only the x,y axis is displayed, map is missing 🙂

  2. Karl Ennis

    Fantastic tutorial, really well explained. an update when using Angular 12 – at 31 min 20, in the default.component.html New angular does not seem to require the $event to be pass, remove the $event and works. Thanks again!

  3. Solomon Fekadu

    Great tutorial. Though new to Angular, enjoyed following and tweaking for Angular 12. Lot’s of pain but got there in the end, after 3 evenings. I learnt a lot.

    For the exercise on adding the table: I went about creating a widget: “app-widget-table” rather than directly on the dashboard component; I felt like you cut corner there :).

  4. Marc Chicoye

    Great and the more valuable tutorial. The code works perfectly with Angular 9. If it is possible to have a graphical roadmap for the beginners. It seems you are coding on the spot but sometimes beginners want to know why are you from a macro and micro perspective. Great Tutorial.

  5. Steve Gaita

    Thank you for this tutorial. Very easy to grasp. I have one problem though, how do i get elements/contents within the mat-drawer-container to cover the height of the view port. Currently mine only covers 20%, and the sidebar is scroll-able which is not the desired outcome.

  6. Jason Rodrigues

    thank you for this tutorial, it’s perfect for someone like me who knows bits and pieces of Angular 2+ but just needed to stitch a few of the concepts together with a project like this.

  7. DD LD

    Hello, thanks for the video ! learned a lot 🙂
    Do you recommend using highcharts when fetching data from back end (spring boot)?
    I’m kind of struggling (a lot) to display data and to the point of asking myself if it’s easier with another charts library.
    Any recommendations? 🙂


      Hi DD , were you able to find a solution for your problem ? i’m kind of stuck at the same situation , working with spring boot / angular and i’m trying to fetch my data into the highcharts

  8. Rahul Makhare

    It was just awesome tutorial for me. I appreciate your efforts taken for this tutorial. One Question : How to do multilevel Sidebar menu. You will definitely help me in that. Thanks in advance.

  9. Alok Nath

    Thanks. Great tutorial. As a beginner in Angular one thing which is difficult to digest is the way the layouts, modules and different components are structured. On the same context if you create a http service to get the data for the charts where would you create it ?

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