Angular 5 Tutorial in Hindi Part 1: Introduction to Angular 5 and How to Install Angular 5 in Hindi
Welcome Developers, to Angular 5 Tutorial in Hindi Part 1: Introduction to Angular 5 in Hindi and How to Install Angular 5 in Hindi. Angular 5 was announced to the
world on November 1, 2017.
. The previous Angular version was 4.4.0.
. This release focused on making Angular smaller and faster to use.
. Created and maintained by Google.
. Front-end/ClientSide JavaScript Framework.
. Modularity, consistency, maintainability, productivity,
and the ability to catch errors early.
. Angular 5 is designed with better mobile support.
. In Angular 5, "everything is a component”
so, it facilitates greater code reuse.
. Cross Platform, Single Page Application
. Angular is built using TypeScript
How to install Angular 5?
Must be Node 6.9.0 or higher, together with NPM 3 or higher.
Download and Install Node.js
Open CMD
npm install -g @angular/cli
ng serve
• Track Info:
Title: Monody (feat. Laura Brehm)
Artist: TheFatRat
Genre: Dance & Electronic
Mood: Happy
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Sir can u upload 2.0 basic angularjs series
This sounds good and going to be amazing if you could upload some project as well. really want to learn how a sample shopping cart type of application can be created with less effort. thanks in advance. 🙂
Hello @Thapa Technical…..I watched your angular series and they are awesome, you have explained it very well…but while installing node js I am getting an error saying that “Node.js setup wizard ended prematurely because of an error. Your system has not been modified.”….. please give some solution about this problem as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!
First of All thanks for your Hard Work to Collect, Moral and finical satisfactions. Dear I am looking for latest Angular tut in Hindi please Create One latest or update as your style of teaching is loved . thanks Again
U are amazing, I undersatand CSS,Javascript, jQuery and now angular too from your videos and i want to learn laravel too. so when will you make videos on it and also on latest angular??
Really… You are great teacher Sir.
I got much of the knowledgeable things from you daily.
Thanks Sir for making videos for us.
You are really hardworking, multi-talented YouTuber. Great work sir
Hi Thapa, Are u planning to update your Angular tutorial with the latest version, that is version10????????
thank you so much for all videos, really helpful, please upload authentication authorization auth guard , real time chat application
Sir please uplaod the new series of Angular starting to end of maximum videos to conplete the whole Angular syllabus ..
hi, I’m looking for an angular latest version tutorial. when you will be creating videos on angular 8
Awesome Tutorials Really great work thank you for teaching
thansk bro 🙂 plz share with ur friends too 🙂
thanks for your every video .u r great teacher. i m trying to installation process for node js and angular cli but angular cli does not download all package and showing an error
those who are getting any type of error while installing then just uninstall it and again re-install it in different drive. It’ll definitely work.
Sir please make a one video on API connectivity with php in angular6 … and i know its really helfull for all of visitors
Hi pls create latest version of angular and ionic frameworks
Helo Sir , I am unable to install angular5 in my pc what is the actual resaon and I followed your given steps one by one. Please let me know.
Hi Sir, Not able to find the video for differences between the Angular Js and Angular. Can you please help .
Thank You
Hi, Dear thanks for your Work, i only want to hilight that @ 18:13 “ng -v” did not worked for me, but “ng v” worked. for version checking of angular.
Good Explain but one Suggestion don’t add animation in text 🙂