Advanced Photoshop Tips and Tricks with Julieanne Kost | Adobe Creative Cloud
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Creative Sessions recorded at Adobe MAX 2018: . In this fast-paced, information-packed session for advanced Photoshop users, join Adobe Digital Imaging Evangelist Julieanne Kost as she showcases her favorite advanced Photoshop techniques, little-known features, and hidden gems to empower you to create your best work faster than ever. If you’re a photographer, an illustrator, or a designer looking for serious insights and solid skills that you can put to use immediately, then this is a session you can’t afford to miss!
Julieanne will cover topics that include:
– Tips for customizing Photoshop for the work you create
– Layers, masking, and compositing secrets
– Using Smart Objects, Smart Filters, and libraries to edit nondestructively
– Vector shapes, layer styles, paths, and type shortcuts
– Content-Aware, Camera Raw, adjustment layers, and more timesaving features
Adobe Creative Cloud gives you the world's best creative apps so you can turn your brightest ideas into your greatest work across your desktop and mobile devices.
This is the best Photoshop tutorial I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot of them. I’m O-uh-Oh-Oh-OLD! Been using Photoshop every day for 25 years. And I’m learning things I never would have discovered on my own. Your delivery makes it so intuitive, and the humor you inject keeps it light and interesting. Well, for you anyway. … Okay, that joke was for me. Anyway, thanks for this. You rock.
As always, excellent live tutorial. It’s so much fun to listen to / learn from you. You have tons of knowledge, always humble, down-to-earth, and with your sens of humor right on point, it’s the perfect recipe.
Im using photoshop for 13 years now and i swear to god, with every tutorial i get new ideas as to how to use this amazing software. in this one ive learned a new hack every 5 econds or so. absolutley amazing!
I love your teaching style and I love your jokes. Thank you for all you do.
Thank you, so helpful !
That was one of he best PS tutorials I’ve ever seen.
Excellent video, and you really made me laugh with your funny voices. Would love to attend one of your lectures one day – you must come to the U.K.
Thank God for this woman she is hilarious and I learned a lot
how do you move the images from lightroom to photoshop as 3
Julieanne: I noticed you drag and drop layers to the top a lot. Surely you realize that you can Command-Shift } a layer to the top. (Or just Command ] it up one layer at a time.) “Yes, I did. And don’t call me Surely.”
This woman is a genius. I’m crying with laughter
Just about to ask why everyone isn’t falling out of their chairs and caught your comment. She, Julieanne is brilliant. I’ve caught short teaching sessions before but this is something else.
Layer Mask Hide Effects. HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS EXISTED?!!! I don’t know how many times I had to rasterize things or redo effects using brushes, just because of masking issues. THANK YOU
Reveal ALl…. oh my god. Another time saver, instead of resizing my canvas and trimming it.
I love this!!!?
Egg chu clubbing
Dear Ms Kost, as you are the most tempered, noticeable public voice for Adobe Systems (other than the charming and avuncular Russell Brown), I would like to put some Photoshop questions directly to you. I am attempting to clean-up green screen video keyed in after effects, and imported in to Photoshop in video mode. Any in-depth information on how to do onion skin checking of frame alignment, and copying of sections from one frame to another, seems completely absent on the internet. My question to you is, where is Adobe’s current training for all aspects of video painting in Photoshop 2018/ 2019, and if none exists, when will it be made? Thank you in advance.
love it ?
@Ada Hodza nfdrfdd
Shubham Patil fgggh
‘ I am the Master of my Photoshop ‘
I love her . Is anyone know her Instagram account , i just fell in love when i first watch her videos years ago
@Hasyiah Al Bujairimi true love never fades.
i followed you and will always be with you like your shadow.
@sumit jain that’s though men , after all this time , you come back ?
i’m supposed to follow you is that what you think ?
guess what ?
i follow you , now follow me hahahaha
@Hasyiah Al Bujairimi iamnotsumit
@Hasyiah Al Bujairimi haha
Really helpful AND entertaining!
@Pamela Esposito Thanks Pamela – great contribution to the discussion.
JulieAnn Kost – you cannot say (at 32:06) “I’m a spaz” – that is deeply offensive and this video needs editing to remove such a slur. An apology wouldn’t go wrong either.