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Introduction to Japanese in 30 Minutes – How to Read, Write and Speak

This is your ultimate compilation to get started with Japanese language in under 30 minutes! Don’t forget to finally Learn How to Read & Write Japanese in 1 Hour or Less here ↓Check how below↓

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Step 3: Master Hiragana and Katakana characters with your free charts and ebook

In this video, you’ll get started with Japanese language. We will tell you why you should learn Japanese, and you will get introduced to Japanese pronunciation, grammar and writing. This is THE place to start if you want to start learning Japanese, and master both reading & writing.

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  1. Learn Japanese with JapanesePod101.com

    Your journey to Japanese fluency is off to a great start with this video, but what’s next? Take your Japanese skills much further with learning paths, 1-on-1 lessons with native-speaker teachers, flashcards, quizzes, podcasts and so much more ONLY available on JapanesePod101.com! Sign up for your Free Lifetime Account now: https://goo.gl/GGQX73

    Team JapanesePod101.com

    1. รัฐพล ラッタポン スントン Kong สุนทรMr. Rattapol Soontorn


    2. Therese Malmberg

      I know this sounds kind of strange, but I got interested in learning Japanese because I work at a plastics factory and some of our newer injection molding machines are from Japan. So one night I was sitting at one of these machines and I was looking at the Japanese script which I knew absolutely nothing about and I thought, I wonder what this is really saying. So that began my adventure into studying Japanese. I must say that it is by far the hardest language I have tried to learn. I took French in high school and I can do all right when it comes to deciphering written French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian–not fluent in any sense but I can get the gist of what is being talked about–but it took me seven months to decipher the sentences “This machine uses metric system” and “Keep moving parts oiled”; the second sentence actually goes into much more detail in Japanese than English as to what moving parts need to be lubricated. The first set of kanji I learned was “caution” and the second “mold/tool and tie”–as you can see I am not going about it the easy way but it has been quite fascinating the more I delve into it.

  2. NvDuke

    i am actually amazed how easy it can be to start learning Japanese, I am giving some serious thoughts of moving to Japan for work this year so it was very very helpful. Arigatogozaimashu ^^

  3. arysuki

    There are only 3 reasons on why I want to learn Japanese:

    1) watching anime without subtitles

    2)so I can surprise my friends


  4. We are back Woo

    Why learn a new language?
    Me: well I don’t like sharing the couch when I get time to watch tv, so I am gonna learn Japanese because then I can watch anime in Japanese and my siblings have no reason to sit next to me since they can’t understand. I know it petty.

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