@01:37 Creating a Maven Project
@03:02 Adding dependencies to pom.xml
@06:50 Creating Feature folder
@07:05 Creating PageObjects package
@07:34 Creating stepDefinition package
@07:51 Creating Utility package
@08:00 Creating Drivers folder
@08:46 Copying browser drivers into Drivers folders
@12:06 Creating feature file
@12:23 Writing a scenario with Gherkin syntax with parameters
@15:00 Creating page object class
@19:35 Creating StepDefinition class
@26:26 Changing parameters inside StepDefinition class
@27:52 Creating WebDriver object inside StepDefinition class
@28:15 Creating object for page object class inside StepDefinition class
@29:04 Instantiate object of page object class inside StepDefinition class
@29:40 | @50:50 Configuring the browser driver path inside StepDefinition class
@32:23 Using get() method inside StepDefinition class
@33:07 Calling credentials methods of page object class into StepDefinition class using parameters
@35:21 Validating login page inside StepDefinition class using parameters and assertions
@37:58 Calling logout method from page object class into StepDefinition class
@39:33 Calling closing the browser method from page object class into StepDefinition class
@41:05 Creating TestRunner package and its class.
@47:51 Running the TestRunner class as Junit
@48:34 Adding monochrome to TestRunner class and running as Junit
@51:46 Viewing reports.
@53:08 Data driven in Cucumber by adding one more scenario into feature file
@57:13 Running the TestRunner class as Junit
01:01:42 Viewing reports.
Hi Pavan,
Thanks for the videos. Do you share the documents used in the video with us or is it proprietary? If it isn’t, could you please share the same here in comments section?
pls provide prerequisites for watching this video. I am in the middle stage of learning selenium. I couldn’t understand what is annotations, page objects kind of things because I did not watch those videos, please provide path(order) for following your videos sir. your content is awesome by the way!
Hello Meena, can you help me with one thing. After performing exactly this way m getting error as this.driver is null instead of declaring it as public. It only works aftr declaring it as static in stepdefinitions. Can you plz help me with this
Hi , If we want to use cucumber we need to use with any of the UI testing tools like selenium otherwise we can not test it right.? can you please clarify this.?
Very good and useful.
Is it possible to use “Python” language with “Karate” Framework for UI & API Automation ?
If yes, can you please create setup videos using Karate Framework using Python language in PyCharm.
Thank you for the detailed explanation, I have completed the 4 videos for cucumber
@01:37 Creating a Maven Project
@03:02 Adding dependencies to pom.xml
@06:50 Creating Feature folder
@07:05 Creating PageObjects package
@07:34 Creating stepDefinition package
@07:51 Creating Utility package
@08:00 Creating Drivers folder
@08:46 Copying browser drivers into Drivers folders
@12:06 Creating feature file
@12:23 Writing a scenario with Gherkin syntax with parameters
@15:00 Creating page object class
@19:35 Creating StepDefinition class
@26:26 Changing parameters inside StepDefinition class
@27:52 Creating WebDriver object inside StepDefinition class
@28:15 Creating object for page object class inside StepDefinition class
@29:04 Instantiate object of page object class inside StepDefinition class
@29:40 | @50:50 Configuring the browser driver path inside StepDefinition class
@32:23 Using get() method inside StepDefinition class
@33:07 Calling credentials methods of page object class into StepDefinition class using parameters
@35:21 Validating login page inside StepDefinition class using parameters and assertions
@37:58 Calling logout method from page object class into StepDefinition class
@39:33 Calling closing the browser method from page object class into StepDefinition class
@41:05 Creating TestRunner package and its class.
@47:51 Running the TestRunner class as Junit
@48:34 Adding monochrome to TestRunner class and running as Junit
@51:46 Viewing reports.
@53:08 Data driven in Cucumber by adding one more scenario into feature file
@57:13 Running the TestRunner class as Junit
01:01:42 Viewing reports.
Hi Pavan,
Thanks for the videos. Do you share the documents used in the video with us or is it proprietary? If it isn’t, could you please share the same here in comments section?
A big salute to your knowledge and the way you explain concepts.Thank you for sharing your knowledge
Thank you for this tutorial. Can you please teach how to output xray json file format in the report instead of html? Thank you.
You are awesome sir. Mind blowing teaching skills. Hats-off!!!!
pls provide prerequisites for watching this video. I am in the middle stage of learning selenium. I couldn’t understand what is annotations, page objects kind of things because I did not watch those videos, please provide path(order) for following your videos sir. your content is awesome by the way!
Thanks for your detailed explanation. I followed the exact steps and results came out successfully.
Sir these videos are very helpful. By any chance you can drop some videos for Cucumber framework with Playwright and Java
This is very much underrated channel.. thank you so much.. when will other parts of the video are releasing on BDD??
The best automation class, best thing is no step is skipped !
Getting confidence to learn any technology By watching your sessions
Thank you sir. Your videos are really informative ???
Thanks for your detailed explanation. I followed the exact steps and results came out successfully.
Hello Meena, can you help me with one thing. After performing exactly this way m getting error as this.driver is null instead of declaring it as public. It only works aftr declaring it as static in stepdefinitions. Can you plz help me with this
detailed? he skipped how many steps ?
Sir which version of Eclipse we need to use because in the latest one there is some compatibility issue
Very clearly explained sir. Thank you
Hi , If we want to use cucumber we need to use with any of the UI testing tools like selenium otherwise we can not test it right.? can you please clarify this.?
Great Lecture. Could you post the code somewhere please?
Very good and useful.
Is it possible to use “Python” language with “Karate” Framework for UI & API Automation ?
If yes, can you please create setup videos using Karate Framework using Python language in PyCharm.
I am reallly learning more from ur videos sir it’s very clean and clear no overlapping and to the point thank u sir