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Angular NGXS Tutorial – An Alternative to Ngrx for State Management

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Ngxs is a new state management solution for Angular. It's similar to Ngrx, but there are key differences; some of which we will take a look at in this ngxs tutorial. Let's get started!

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Who is Gary Simon? Well, I'm a full stack developer with 2+ decades experience and I teach people how to design and code. I've created around 100+ courses for big brands like LinkedIn, Lynda.com, Pluralsight and Envato Network.

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  1. Layton Miller

    Good tutorial, thanks. It looks like its very similar to ngrx. I am wondering how those store files will scale with all actions/selectors etc in there. I really like the usage of decorators, helps clarify intent.

  2. Ameen M

    Hello, thanks for the content very clear and easy to understand, although, the fetch tutorials action is missing (I’m saying this as I’m used to adding fetching tutorials into the store pattern with NgRx) So I would appreciate it if you could add this part to your tutorial, so I can see if I’m doing it the right way :p

  3. Andres M

    Great video, one question can I have multiple states like tutorials[] and userProfile or do I need to use one global interface that gather up userProfile and inside of it tutorials[] ?

    thanks a lot.

  4. J4N

    Two questions:
    1) Where would you put the logic to update the backend?
    2) I cannot figure out what is the point of having “Actions”? What is the advantage between this and calling directly a method on the store to update? That would reduce the amount of code and remove this cumbersome payload declaration. Same with getState/patchState, why this is not defined in a parent class

  5. J4N

    Where the call to the backend would be placed? I’m not huge fan of having to create those effects in NGRX and duplicating everyting in 3 differents actions?
    (Still waiting for the follow up video ^^). 2 years after, would you still consider it for a project?

  6. Svein Soermo

    Very good video and the same goes for ngrx ones. Can U PLS make an example with NGXS using a data source, say Firestore. Very much thx in advance..:-). BTW NGXS looks to me as a better choice than ngrx….

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