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Angular 4 Tutorial – Build Single Page App #7

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What's new in angular 4? Angular 4 has been enhanced with features to create single page web apps. Lets learn, how to bind data, how to add click event in angular 4, how to file ngFor index in angular 4.

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  1. Jack Lyons

    Thank you! This is perfect for building confidence with Angular, please can you create more short videos like this where you build something small and demonstrate angular’s key features 🙂

  2. Andreas Melcher

    0:00 About the page he builds in this tutorial

    02:08 The necessary html

    04:40 css for the layout

    11:06 TypeScript code

    15:02 Two way data binding with [(ngModel)]

    17:13 Run code on click event

    18:36 Explanation of how the app works again

    19:56 Add click event to remove items

    22:15 Get the index of an entry in ngFor

    24:29 Running the full app

  3. Ram Tej

    Hi Awais…I appreciate you for the wonderful work. I have a doubt in this tutorial. Using of ” *ngFor ” in code is resulting in few errors. May i know why?(It is said that ngfor is not working in angular 4 by some sites)??

  4. Augusto Sotelo

    Hello, great work!,
    Just yesterday was learning about AngularJS and for my surprice the version 4 was release to public a few days ago and thanks to your videos learned the basics, thank you very much to take the time to create this videos tutorials.

    I was wondering, can you create a video about how to integrate and use AngularJS4 into Laravel 5 (or Lumen 5) or maybe you can recomend a book about that?

    Thanks in advanced,


    1. Awais Mirza

      Thank for your comment 🙂
      I don’t think any book would have been written as angular 4 has just launched 2 weeks ago. Angular 4 is 90% same as angular 2, you can learn angular 2 with laravel and use angular 2 code with angular 4 setup/project structure.

  5. longboardcreator

    hey, how would you save and push the info from 2 input fields? I am trying to define an object with 2 properties

    edit: i am trying this, however, i does not seem like it is pushing to the array correctly since it shows up as two separate list items

    units = [
    newLink: ”,
    newItem: ”

    newItem = ‘hello’;
    newLink = ‘hi’;

    pushItem = function () {
    if (this.newItem != ” && this.newLink != ”) {
    this.newItem = ”;
    this.newLink = ”;

    and the view:

    • {{u}}
  6. Jeet Adhikari

    Its better to send the whole item as a parameter while removing an item from *ngFor. like
    (click)=removeItem(i) instead of (click)=removeItem(ind) in this case (writing the reason below)

    and write the function as:
    removeItem = function(anyname){
    this.items.splice(this.items.indexOf(anyname), 1);

    I suggest this because sometime we might also use ordering filters in *ngFor repeats. So at that time the index of the row changes and it deletes some other item which we are not expecting to be deleted. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

    and Thanks a lot for sharing your Knowledge Sir, your videos are of great help.


    1. Awais Mirza

      Ya, thanks for your suggestion. Your are right, it will delete other item. But, without changing removeItem function, we can simply change the click event in case of changing order. Like (click)=”removeItem(items.indexOf(item))”

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