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Complete Angular Material Tutorial – CRUD Form Design

As part of the series – Complete Angular Material Tutorial, Here we design a form with angular material validation.

Discussed Points :
– Install Angular 6 Material
– Design CRUD Form in Angular Material
– Angular Material Validation

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2. – Firebase CRUD [ next video ]
3. – Angular Material Data Table
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5. – Material Confirm Dialog

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  1. prajakta bagde

    Thank you so much for this awesome tutorial on Form designing using Angular and Firebase. This tutorial has been of immense help to me in achieving my goal. Tutorial was very informative and systematically explained in step by step way. Keep up with this effort of teaching and spreading coding knowledge to everyone!!!!

  2. facusana

    Amazing and very usefull!!!
    just two comments:
    1.- I would recommend you to create an array for all the material (in the matearial module) and pass that array once to import and export. In that case you don’t need to duplicate the modules imported.
    2.- For the required fields, instead of adding * to the placeholder you can add required to the field which I think is much better. e.g.

  3. compcos

    Great tutorial! This example is a good way to start learning angular. I have encountered only two issues:
    1. When clearing the form, I got an error in the console because the initialize method from the service was not recognized. Removed the providedIn: ‘root’ from the @Injectable and it worked;
    2. import * as Material from “@angular/material” does not work anymore (angular 9). I had to import each module separately;

  4. Alpar BARLIN

    Hello there. Thanks a bunch for the clean Tutorial. I have been using your directions on my personal project. It was god sent. However, I have a serious headache. I put your tutorial directions (heavily modified). However, when using the ROUTERS in angular for some reason view and viewchildren does not wait for any response and especially “MatSort” is not working along with the
    codes… Any chance you can direct me for what to do about it?
    Is it really related to router guards or something else? Can you check it?

  5. Hannie Beulah

    Hi, how we can do validations for a number field, like that it should contain only whole numbers..if we enter some decimal, or negative integers, it should be validated,..i want this… Kindly help me in this

  6. WisdomGuidedByExperience

    Somewhere between this video and the next one in the sequence, the code for populating the Departments changes from a hard-coded list to one that comes from the Firebase database that is created during that next video. However, I’m over half way through the next video and do not see any discussion of how the “departments” table is populated so that it can supplant the previously hard-coded list of departments. How can I populate that Firebase database table so that the code for the next video works properly?

    1. CodAffection

      department table is render from firebase collection departments, which is discussed in second video here : https://youtu.be/hfhlzY3U27M?t=781. The firebase collection documents are inserted manually.(Other ways the video will be long one – If you watch this whole series. you create separate form for adding departments ). And then this shows how you can display department records from the firebase collection.

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