Learn Angular 6 in 60 Minutes – Free Beginners Crash Course
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Written version of this course:
In this 100% free crash course, you're going to learn how to get up and running with Angular 6, along with a very solid and basic understanding of how Angular works.
We're going to build an actual app while we learn how Angular 6 works.
Throughout this Angular 6 tutorial, you're going to learn:
– Install Angular 6 with the Angular CLI
– Understand and Create Components
– Understand and Create Services
– Working with HTML & CSS in Angular 6
– Working with Angular 6 Routing
– Working with the Angular 6 HTTP Client
– Angular 6 Animation
Let's get started!
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Who is Gary Simon? Well, I'm a full stack developer with 2+ decades experience and I teach people how to design and code. I've created around 100+ courses for big brands like LinkedIn, Lynda.com, Pluralsight and Envato Network.
Now, I focus all of my time and energy on this channel and my website Coursetro.com.
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Just getting into Angular. Loved this quick overview of some of the main features. Very useful- thank you!
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@Akhmadjon Ruzikulov q
Hi great vid. Really Helpful. Is there a way to keep the sidebar activated if i have selected a specific post.
For example something like:
I think this was solved a few versions ago – just use ctlr-[+] to zoom in will scale the whole window with all it’s components
Yes, of course. The text is small and hard to read for these tutorials.
great video. Can you make MEAN stack Authentication app using Angular 6 and other latest dependencies. because I could’t find any good tutorial about it, most of them are outdated and not compatible with new versions of apps. Thanks
I absolutely love that you give well written (with screenshots), and video options that you can follow along with to your courses. I use both back and forth, and I find it far more easily to digest new information with multiple forms of learning styles. Also, your timing and speech are on point. Sincerely, thank you, thank you, thank you!
So glad I found this, love your clarity and presentation style. I would be interested in architecture for enterprise level applications in Angular. Related, container-component architecture. Very good job, subscribed!
That’s a great tutorial on angular 6, making things simple to grasp as a beginner. I love this tutorial and hope you bring more simplified videos as this. Great video quality!
Great crash course, thank you for taking the time to produce this course along with the many other courses you’ve made.
Thank You very much. You are the best. Please do Authentication and Session management in Angular 6
Session is called state in Angular, it’s client side while session is server side ??
Many thanks for keeping it simple and understandable. Great Tutorial.
Wow! This is one of the best exaplined coding tutorials I ever watched. Great job and thank you! This helped to understand Angular for my college exam tomorrow, I’m ready to jump into the details now!
This tutorial is perfectly detailed oriented with explanations and code snippets as it steps through the scope of the tutorial.. highly appreciate the effort.!!
Thanks for the video!
But why did you use [class.activated] and all of the code in the constructor for adding a class on the active route link? You could’ve just use *RouterLinkActive*
@David Priester David’s solution was the easiest (and only one I got to work therefore ^^) thanks!
worked like a champ ty
@rt thank you , works magic!
router.events.subscribe(event => { if (event instanceof NavigationEnd) { this.currentUrl = event.url } }); This solved it for me. But yeah, using your method is much simpler
That solution of changing _.url to this.router.url fixed the issue. Thanks @rt
Really good, tight presentation and overview of ng, components, templates, routes and services … could have done without the animation, but hey, it was some neat sizzle. Great stuff, and better than I’ve seen !
Gary, three words plus one: thank you very much!!! Easy to follow this crash course, and amazing results in just one hours. Glad I found this video. Thanks!!!
You explain details so a person can really learn. Thank you for this great vid! I especially appreciate the written version as well.
I am leaving a damn comment: I like your channel so much. Not only the Angular you are teaching, but also the design is so neat.
Just try this tutorial once: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cikNYOtkfbw&list=PLASrVOHlq9W-NWiVSurzROEnCnV7rA9ps
Great crash course video. I’m not too much of a fan of their animations, seems verbose and very confusing for beginners. I appreciate the usage and mention of animations since they are part of Angular. Keep up the great work, your videos are awesome!
Awesome video ! So easy to follow and understand. Looking forward to next tutorial on Angular 6. (y)
Great video. It saves me a lot of time to start with angular – a new language for my coding experience. Thanks very much.
Learning Angular for the first time. Your lesson is the best I’ve seen. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, man.