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Learn English Words while you sleep and Improve Vocabulary (Intermediate)

Let’s learn English words and Increase your vocabulary range. In this video we feature over 100 Intermediate words to help you improve your English. To help you learn we say the word first, then the meaning of that word followed by an example of the word used in its correct context in a sentence. You can use this video anytime but for best results listen just before bed and leave playing while you sleep.

Zen English Playlists:

■ English With Julia:

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© Sleep Learning 2011 – 2022 all rights reserved

#learnenglish #englishwords #zenenglish

Music Credit: Adrift by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. . Licensed by Enlightened Audio



    1. A gaming pru

      Please tell me in (Elated) can the sentence be (When he found out he had won the lottery,he was elated)other then (When he found out he had won the lottery,the postman was elated? Please help me out

  1. Victoria Leong

    My reply is late, but I just wanted to thank you for providing me with this plethora of vocabulary! I’m still learning them, and I find myself listening to this several times a week. Thank you!

  2. Bracha Moskowitz

    I’m glad to have this video, it will definitely add so much more substance into my daily conversations!
    Thank you for making me sound smarter.
    Thank you for letting me express my thoughts more clearly!!
    Thank you is a small phrase with a great meaning, THANK YOU!!

  3. Alex Sage

    the sentences should be short! Longer sentences require linguistic concentration which turns the brain on (wakes up) otherwise brain will learn to ignore sentences rather than speed learn the concept. Best way to teach vocabulary in audio is without example sentences. Just word, and meaning. once words are learned, individual will feel like moving on to seeking examples, as needed. hence the audio portion should be [word] – [synonym] or [very short definition]

  4. kazuyoshi sakamoto

    Thank you for uploading! Watching this video, I realized that I used to use only very simple English words when expressing my feelings and thoughts. In my opinion, using simple English words is effective, as many people can understand. .. ..

  5. Heather Pham

    Before videos have subtitled, I purchased voice to text apps for seeing subtitles on these video clips. But It came out unsuccessfully as I wish. I felt so elated when I saw the subtitles on it. No words can describe my happiness! Thanks a millions!

  6. GS Nguyen

    I have been living in this country for 29 years and I still don’t feel confident about my English. But listening to this words I feel like ?… I have to go back to kinder garden. These words are not easy but I will learn them ?

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