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Beginner Levels – Lesson 1: Nice To Meet You!

English For You – Learning English is much easier now!
Beginner Levels – Lesson 1: Nice To Meet You!
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Arabic Subtitle
Teacher Hussein H. Abbas

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  1. Ali Abbas

    Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart to the team of English For You. These lessons are very helpful and I want to watch the conversation part and ‘Look and Listen’ part of these lessons many times because it really helps me to understand the concepts of the lessons very well. So, I would request you to add time stamps for the conversation part and ‘look and listen ‘ part in all the videos .

    Thank you so much.?❤️
    Love from India.?

  2. Охотники за приведениями

    Good video! Thanks to the author for his good work! I’d like to recommend Yuriy Ivantsiv’s practice book Polyglot Notes: Practical Tips for Learning Foreign Language. This book has many useful methods for learning a foreign language, how to develop your memory, how to memorize words, learn grammar, quickly learn to speak, read and write. All recommend this excellent book! Good luck to everyone in learning a foreign language!

  3. Sumith Walpola

    I read. I watched. I listened. A to z these lesons. I earned more knowledge about English language as a student. Miss Molly’s presentation very calm. She has sweet voice. Thank you very much again & again.

  4. Su Myat

    Hello Teacher Molly!
    It´s the first day of learning English for me from your video. And, I´ve got many benifits from this so I´ll keep learning from yours. At last, I wanna say `Thank you´ for your video, Teacher Molly. Thank you so much.

  5. Aisha Abdul-Kareem

    Thank you Miss Stone, I have been searching for how to teach my non English speaking relatives the English language and your presentation is superb. Even one of the students said “it is presented in a way that makes it clear and easy to understand.” Thank you.

  6. حمزة يحيى

    Thank you for everything. A call for beginners to learn English like me. I have a great idea. Why not create a group on WhatsApp for conversations, acquaintance, exchange of ideas and expressing our concerns. Once we make mistakes and once we share, we learn, thank you everyone

  7. El.BaderTheGainer

    i watched this long time ago now its 2020 i miss the old days when i started learning English ? my skills in English has been improved now i got a job because of the English im level advanced in English i do great in my career, life ☺️? i just miss the old days and it’s broke my heart that’s all ?

    1. El.BaderTheGainer

      @Malak Mahmod من الأفلام والمسلسلات الأمريكية اتابع مع ترجمة واي شي ما اعرفه اكتبه بورقه وحفظ 3000 كلمة واكرر الاستماع واسمع قصص مكتوبه audio book

  8. Sansona Shs

    The first time I see this, I really find it useful and simplified. I hope to improve my language. I would like to thank you for this. I was really looking for an easy way to learn the language. Thank you

  9. SR

    Para los que están en la UNAH:

    1. INTRODUCTION 0:15
    3. LOOK AND LISTEN 5:03
    4. READ AND REPEAT 6:10
    5. NAMES 9:15
    6. ALPHABET 11:47
    7. LISTEN AND WRITE 17:10
    8. READ AND REPEAT 42:16
    9. INTRODUCTION (Introduce yourself) 47:50
    10. GOOD BYE 49:55
    11. REVIEW 51:05
    12. READ AND ANSWER 54:00

  10. ByEnglish -بالانجلش

    This is a great channel ! It always inspires and motivates us in his videos, in terms of reading, learning and multiple life aspects. It even inspired me to start my own Youtube channel to share my experience in learning English as a second language in the USA with other Arabic speakers around the world. I decided and dedicated my time to help other people to learn and grow. I would be more than happy to help anyone that needs to start the English language Journey?

  11. milan

    This vídeo is from 7 years ago, but I wanna say thanks. This class is amazing, miss Molly is a very good teacher, she explain so well. The students really can learn with this vídeo. Thanks for second time.

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