Subscribe or check out our playlists for more videos. We have playlists for English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Indonesian speakers and we are working to add more. Here is English but go to our channel to look for more playlists.
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¡hola! Soy enero y estudié español aquí hace mucho tiempo antes de ir a un lugar nativo español. Me encanta este canal por su español <3 pero pronto me mudaré a tamile nadu, así que tengo que aprender que es na
English - hi! Im enero and i studied Spanish here a long time ago before i went to a spanish-native place. I love this channel for its Spanish<3 but im gonna move to tamile nadu soon, so i have to learn it's native language.
It means the sound is bigger. Don’t worry about it too much however I recommed learning how to read Tamil. Then you will understand truly those uppercases.
Subscribe or check out our playlists for more videos. We have playlists for English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Indonesian speakers and we are working to add more. Here is English but go to our channel to look for more playlists.
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Interesting lessons .Thank you
great work! romba nandri ! ?
¡hola! Soy enero y estudié español aquí hace mucho tiempo antes de ir a un lugar nativo español. Me encanta este canal por su español <3 pero pronto me mudaré a tamile nadu, así que tengo que aprender que es na
English - hi! Im enero and i studied Spanish here a long time ago before i went to a spanish-native place. I love this channel for its Spanish<3 but im gonna move to tamile nadu soon, so i have to learn it's native language.
Learn Tamil in 5 days – more vocabulary!
Aprender tamil en 5 días – Conversación para principiantes –
Apprendre le tamoul en 5 jours – Conversation pour les débutants –
Plzz Urdu mein kro
what does it mean when some letters are written upercase?
It means the sound is bigger. Don’t worry about it too much however I recommed learning how to read Tamil. Then you will understand truly those uppercases.
nan rajasthanil vazhikirden. nan tamilnadu ponga vendum and want to learn tamil. nan sonu nigam’s fan,
Cheap – vilai kuraivane…..they said it wrong as vilai athigamana