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Adobe photoshop full course in Tamil – (beginner to advanced level step by step)-

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Adobe Photoshop full class or Tutorial in Tamil
Adobe Photoshop online class in tamil
Adobe Photoshop Full class in tamil
Total 2 Hours video-Coverd Full subject in Photoshop latest
Layer link-align-resize-duplicate-group explain in tamil
Layer mask-link-colour explain in tamil
Selection Tools-Select-Mask-Refine Edge explain in tamil
Spot Healing-Curves-fill-Rulers-Lasso-Tools-Graphic explain in tamil
Photo Edit explain in tamil
Photo shop-Shape tools explain in tamil
Photo shop – Text style explain in tamil
Photoshop online class tamil
using photoshop 7 cs2 cs3 cs4 cs5 cc 2015 cc 2015.5 cc 2017
in all photoshop version
Photoshop CC full Basics in Tamil, with this tutorial learn photoshop fully and with practise you can improve more skills.
try to learn tricks with every tools and improve your skill in Photoshop.
In this Video we see about what is Photoshop,about document setup,what is layers,basic move tool,rectangular marquee tool,elliptical marquee tool,single row marquee tool and single column marquee tool and finally we see about how to save as aphotoshop file format and also jpeg file format



  1. Mannar Cittu

    இலகுவாக புரியும்படி அருமையா சொல்லித்தந்து இருக்கிங்க அண்ணா..நன்றிகள்

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