More Selections – Adobe Photoshop for Beginners – Class 2
Hey Everyone, here's Class 2 of Photoshop for Beginners series.
In this class you will learn more selection tools which are quite basic and easy, I will teach you about Lasso tool which is used for freehand selection, then Polygon Lasso which is for straight lines and Magnetic Lasso which can select any object from edge if it has good contrast. You will also learn about Magic Wand and Quick Selection tool also. There's one more thing I discussed in this class is Anti-Alias, this is quite necessary to understand also.
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My name is Imran Ali Dina, and I am a seasoned Graphic Design Trainer having experience of 17+ years. I've started this
training for anyone who wants to learn Graphic Designing for FREE in a professional way.
Here's the complete playlist of Adobe Illustrator Training so far, I suggest, if you are new to Adobe Illustrator you
should watch whole playlist from the beginning.
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no one can beat… this level of teaching ?
bhya tera pass ha file ya to send hi krdy mujhy downdload nhi krna a rha
Sir mera Adobe shop sing nahi ho raha khidr sai ho ga?
@Jeremiah Elon tried forgot password?
1. Beginning 0:35
2. Anti Alias 1:02
3. Lasso tool 4:02
4. Polygon lasso 5:42
5. Layer Via copy 9:08
6. Magnetic lasso 11:26
7. Magic wand 15:58
8. Contagious 19:32
9. Sample all layers 20:18
10. Quick selection 21:58
11. Square brackets 22:38
Thank u so much yar
Plzz sabhi video m time mention kr dijiye
Believe it or not this is 200 times more learning, grasping, interesting, funny and 1000 times better than my computer teacher’s classes
@Moulshree Jain Lol
@Shahid Arif someone already asked that My answer remains same:
beyond imagination~
She can react in ANY way…cannot trust her..??
Imagine, your computer teacher reads your comment
Very true mam
I have to say something
and lots and lots of respect from India
so true!! love from india sir
He teaches in a way that not many can. Every detail but still focused on what is to be delivered. AN AMAZING TEACHER! I wish I had find these videos 5years ago.
yeah i attended a paid course but.His way of telling basic tools is far more superior than those teachers.they just taught me few tools.and thats it.OVERRRR
There are very few teachers who teach like this. I wish I had found this video 3 years backs. Great going, sir.
Shortcuts used:
Shift – add selection
Alt -subtract selection
Alt + shift- intersect selection
Backspace- removing a checkpoint in polygon lasso selection
F- full screen and easy panning
Ctrl J- copies selection to a new layer
Square brackets- resizing brush
@Vanshika Gupta hue hue hue
Ahem ahem
nice work vmroo
no one can beat… this level of teaching ?
The way you point out the minor mistakes and tell us every small options… believe me it’s very helpful for new users of F.S
Thank you?
Amazing classes Sir, thank you so much for explaining very well in detail.
Nobody teaches so much details! Thanks Imran Sir♥️
Even paid online courses are nothing in front of this.
Sahi baat hai voh sale clear he nahi batate
@Isa Ahmed right
@Travel BD one of the best in the world
Thank you so much Sir, you are helping a lot of aspiring graphic designers out here. Thanks a lot again!
no one can beat… this level of teaching sir g <3
10 out of 10 amazing class. Thank you so much for this amazing work.
Gotta appreciate the efforts, man. You did a really great job, be proud.
Great love, respect and admiration for your work!!!
Great teaching method.
Your classes are pure gold. Worth millions.
Thank you!!???
Such an excellent teacher! Thank you so much for this!
Much Better Than Any Paid Courses.
Great Respect Sirji.
Love from India.
0:36 Start
0:49 Elliptical Marquee – ‘Anti alias’ (for smooth edges)
3:59 ‘Lasso’ tool (for freehand selection)
4:42 this is Photoshop cc 2017 (not 2018)
5:41 ‘Polygon Lasso’ under Lasso tool
8:03 How to select Full Screen
9:05 ‘Layer via Copy’ tool (Cntrl + J) – to copy the selected part to a new layer
10:33 Change Background Colour
11:24 ‘Magnetic Lasso’ tool
15:58 ‘Magic Wand’ tool
22:01 ‘Quick Selection’ tool