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Basic Selections – Adobe Photoshop for Beginners – Class 1 [Eng Sub]

Hello Everyone. Finally I'm starting a new series, Photoshop for Beginners.

In this first class I will be giving an introduction of Photoshop Interface. You will also learn about how to take a new file and what to consider about those options for new file. After that I will guide you about basic selections using Rectangular Marquee and Elliptical Marquee tool. You will also learn the importance of Layers in Photoshop.

To share your design works and discuss, join Facebook group – GFXMentor Nation.

My name is Imran Ali Dina, and I am a seasoned Graphic Design Trainer having experience of 17+ years. I've started this training for anyone who wants to learn Graphic Designing for FREE in a professional way.

Here's the complete playlist of Adobe Illustrator Training, I suggest, if you are new to Adobe Illustrator you should watch whole playlist from the beginning.

Please subscribe to get updates on upcoming videos. Here you will learn Adobe Illustrator Complete Course in Urdu / Hindi.


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  1. Shen's Perspective

    1. Starting 3:06
    2. File selection 7:35
    3. Art board 12:27
    4. Tools 15:46
    5. Background and Foreground colors 20:53
    6. Selection Property bar 22:50
    7. Feather 28:15
    8. Select inverse 33:47

  2. Mahdis Fatima

    Every student needs a good teacher and I must say you have all the qualities of a good teacher. To be honest, I used to hate photoshop but I thought to give it a try and randomly started to watch this video. You have already built my interest in photoshop sir.
    Thankyou so much for explaining it so well. Will definitely watch your more videos 🙂

    1. Haris Amjid

      yes … Exactly You are Right … Teacher is one who because of whom you start loving or hating any Subject … And He HAs A good Teaching Style and He knows how to deliver Knowledge … to Every individual …?

  3. Akshay soni

    sir your way of teaching is so well and when you teach,your level of experience is also reflected and you say all the things in proper and simple way, we definitely understand all the terms and shortcuts very easily

  4. Yasir Ijaz

    Thank u so much Sir for making such a useful and outstandingly well content ! it helped me alot !! and still helping.. May Allah reward you for this Ameen. keep up the great work ! yasirijazmiani

  5. Aysha Ahsan

    Now this was amazing…. At first it was making me sleepy…. But at the end, the way he edited the picture was really cool and I understood his lecture ?. Best yt teacher ? to teach you free photoshop

  6. Hamza Sana

    Sir, You are a legend in my eyes, nobody can teach as good as you in my experience! I have even studied Graphics Design lectures at LUMS and trust me when I say these videos are more interesting. Please don’t give up sir, it is my request to you from my heart.

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