Learn Python Programming Tutorial Online Training by Durga Sir On 26-01-2018
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Python Tutorials by durgasoft
Python Programming videos by durgasir
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I was so scared of Java, before I started learning from Durga Sir. After completing Java I’ll learn Python too. Thanks Durga Sir.
That 48 video’s are sufficient for python or we need more videos to learn
…can u please tell me ?
U r such a good teacher? Lots of information from just one video! Excited to watch more☺ The way u explain each and every word makes students soo comfortable❤thank you sir?
Hello Twinkles.
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I was looking out for some python stuff and accidentally met a stranger, he told me to search for Durga sir tutorial… And here i see excellent material. Really nice Durga Sir… Keep it up, keep the students energised through your accent and classes…
btw did you teach FAFL for GATE exam in blore? , I remember seeing you and Nagor Babu back in 2004
Hello Basava Prabhu.
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You can view all other python videos by Durga sir in the following link
programming legend “durga sir” ???.Getting so much curiosity by listening your class it’s shows more interest to learn. Thank you sir…
Hello Krishna.
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You can view all other Python videos by Durga sir in the following link
The best thing about Durga sir is that – Prior to starting the topic, he completely removes concept fear from the roots and places confidence. Now, everyone will be ready with confident, prepared minds to intake concepts.
It was awesome to get videos on python.. earlier i was working on java and found your videos to get a relevant job. Now want to switch Python again u give me such a gift.. Thank You Durga sir 🙂
explaination is very very good and easy to understand with real time examples…..thanks you very much sir for giving free classes in youtube…
Durga sir is the true leader and he create more leaders…
Hello Phani.
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You can view all other Python videos by Durga sir in the following link
@Durga Software Solutions sir I want to join for python
Sir you have posted knowledgeable videos for students and under preveileged, for those who can’t afford can learn from your classes and make there future. Once they get settled they should never forget your help. Sir as Rajamouli is for Bahubali Durga is for Java Python.
Hello Somnath.
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You can view all other python videos by Durga sir in the following link
Teaching style for Durga Sir is really awesome. In depth concepts, relevant examples, interesting conversation makes learning like a fun. Hats off Sir!
Hello Tushar.
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You can view all other python videos by Durga sir in the following link
I was new to any coding language & wants to learn Python. I searched hundreds of video lectures, then i finally found Durga Sir classes. I love the way he explains & his accent. Really impressed with the way of teaching & Explanations. I miss my working days in Bangalore (Must say South India is the most beautiful part of India)
Hello Aditya.
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You can view all other python videos by Durga sir in the following link
Durga sir, Sri Gurubhyo namah ?.
Thank you for all your teachings and helping us to make career in Python?
Hello Harish.
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You can view all other Python videos by Durga sir in the following link
Dr.Durga is now ready to do post-mortem of Python after a successful journey with Java. And we are glad to be a part of your journey sir…
Do u have python material PDF…plz
@Gayatri Gopal hi do you have python material PDF….
How can I get python material …is there any PDF……
Give Left & right to python..?? you are great sir.. really like what you do & the way you teach.. thank you for your help to make us learn & complete software industry & all people who learn from you are proud of you..
Hello Nikhil.
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You can view all other Python videos by Durga sir in the following link
I found my teacher to learn python with simplest method of teaching with effective steps….Thnk u sirji
Hello Mr Durga. Im from Bangalore and been watching your videos on Python… just finished the long 11 hours video now, your way of teaching is really awesome (Python will give left and right LOL) anyhow, the last topic you covered in that lengthy video was about constants, comments and now im trying to understand from which video should i resume again….
Hello Porki.
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Your video contains all the details very well. I found this tutorial as one of the best tutorials for python. I have followed so many courses on different platforms but your concept is perfect. Thanks! Your videos are in demand among Data Science students.
Such a great aspiring teacher..Keeping everyone live in the class…!!
Durga Sir, you are really a great teacher. I learned java by your vedios. My confidence is boosted by your detailed explanations. Sir now I am learning python. Please upload playlist of python as you did for java…
Sir, I have watched upto vedio 20. All vedios were really excellent. I need from vedio 21.….
I have to join company in April. Before 30th march I have to learn Python. Please suggest something…
Helloarpit ,
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You can view all other python videos by Durga sir in the following link
Durga sir means not only Java, he is an encyclopaedia of all the languages. Its always pleasure to watch when Durga sir speaks. When he starts explaining, we get confidence that we would become master soon. Absolutely number 1 tutor in the world.
Hello Nikhil.
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You can view all other Python videos by Durga sir in the following link
Most Awesome Tutorial ever!! I can feel you standing infront of me and explaining..such crisp method to impart knowledge..Great Job!!!
Hello Taaha Shaikh.
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You can view all other python videos by Durga sir in the following link