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12 Beginner Python Projects – Coding Course

Improve your Python skills by following along with 12 different Python project tutorials.

? Course developed by Kylie Ying. Check out her YouTube channel:

⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️
⌨️ (1:40) 1. Madlibs
⌨️ (6:54) 2. Guess the Number (computer)
⌨️ (13:17) 3. Guess the Number (user)
⌨️ (21:14) 4. Rock Paper Scissors
⌨️ (24:25) 5. Hangman
⌨️ (35:53) 6. Tic-Tac-Toe
⌨️ (59:59) 7. Tic-Tac-Toe AI
⌨️ (1:15:53) 8. Binary Search
⌨️ (1:27:16) 9. Minesweeper
⌨️ (1:51:55) 10. Sudoku Solver
⌨️ (2:05:34) 11. Photo Manipulation in Python
⌨️ (2:31:49) 12. Markov Chain Text Composer

⭐️ Code ⭐️
? Madlibs / Rock Paper Scissors / Binary Search:
? Guess the Number:
? Hangman:
? Tic-Tac-Toe + AI:
? Minesweeper:
? Sudoku:
? Photo Editing in Python:
? Markov Chain Composer:

⭐️ More ways to connect with Kylie Ying ⭐️
Twitch KylieYing:
Twitter @kylieyying:
Instagram @kylieyying:

⭐️ Music Credits ⭐️
Alan Walker – Fade [NCS Release]:
Alan Walker – Force [NCS Release]:

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  1. Mr krabs left but cheek

    1:40 Madlibs
    6:54 Guess the number(computer)
    13:17 Guess the number (user)
    21:14 Rock paper scissors
    24:25 Hangman
    35:53 Tic Tac Toe
    59:59 Tic Tac Toe AI
    1:15:53 Binary search
    1:27:16 minesweeper
    1:51:55 Sodoku solver
    2:05:34 Photo manipulation
    2:31:49 Markov Chain text composer
    It’s also in the description

  2. Peter Sedesse

    I agree with you so much about leaving bugs in the videos. The thought process and talking through a bug is so useful to new programmers. It is also a psychological boost for new programmers seeing that it is absolutely normal to hit frequent bugs.

  3. Alistair Wright

    Thank you so much! I’m writing this on day one of my Python learning journey. This is perfect. I love how clear you make everything seem. I’m a total novice but it’s obvious to me that you’ve worked hard at your craft and you’re an expert.

  4. Aman Pandit

    If anyone is using Python 3.9 and is on the Photoshop project then a friendly note that there will be a tostring error because python no longer supports that so I would recommend using Python 3.8 for that project to work properly.
    Thanks for such cool projects which include great understanding?

  5. Space

    I love you for this!!!! Recently got back into coding after an over 10 year vacancy. And doing ur challenges first my way really try and make it work on ur own, that spark of pure joy is just amazing when u nail it. Then watch how u did the same task and become amazed and high on enthusiasm every time makes this into an extremely pleasant journey. Thanks for this!!!!

  6. Leo B

    This is so great! thank you, love your videos!
    Just one thing: It would be great to have an explanation of what the project is about before you explain how to do it, so it is easier to start working on the solution, and then watch how you did it. 🙂

    1. CrAzY Videos Official

      Exercises are not difficult but she speaks very fast and she uses a difficult syntax, with 1 lines ultra difficult expressions. I am sure she is a great programmer, but she is a horrible teacher for people trying to understand concepts.

  7. Ryan Fowler

    Hello! So far this is very good way to get back into basic. Appreciate the work youve done. I got a question for whoever that may know better then I. During the beginning where we make a computer number guessing “game” I notice it throws an error if the max allowable number is 10, and you tell it its too low. How would one go about addressing the problem.

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