60 Japanese Words for Everyday Life – Basic Vocabulary #3
This is the best video to start building your Japanese vocabulary.
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In this series, we will teach you the core 800 Japanese words that you must know if you're a an absolute beginner.
With each new episodes in this series, we’ll include the previous lessons at the end.
So after you’ve learned the new words and phrases, stick around and review what you learned in previous lessons. Reviewing is one of the most important parts of learning a language!
This is THE place to start if you want to learn Japanese, and improve both your listening and speaking skills.
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#Basic #Vocabulary #Japanese #LearnJapanese #JapaneseLanguage #JapanesePod101
1:05 warau – laugh
1:34 oishii – delicious
2:03 mizu – water
2:37 cha – tea
3:08 kohī – coffee
3:42 bīru – beer
4:15 wain – wine
4:46 gyūniku – beef
5:21 toriniku – chicken
5:52 butaniku – pork
6:23 sakana – fish
6:54 ramuniku – lamb
7:28 isha – doctor
8:00 keisatsukan – police officer
8:34 sensei – teacher
9:02 jūgyoin – employee
9:35 kuru – come
10:09 miru – see
10:45 tsukuru – make
11:16 tsukau – use
12:21 review time
THankas you
You don’t even have all of them
A moment of respect towards Risa for having the strength to do so many recordings
teaching is difficult and I feel bad for the teachers I used to piss off.
@YareYare knjp
Risa loves her work
Agree ?
@2306 – M still a person needs recognization they deserve
Risa is an amazing language teacher. She understands that unlike many people who learn basic english at school, english speaking people maybe would only learn Japanese as a selective language at school. Risa has a slower expressive teaching method for us to more easily comprehend pronunciation by breaking words into syllables and distinct sounds.
@Bằng Trần nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
where are you from ?
I appreciate her going out of her way to do this for us learners.
Risa is just amazing!!! Thank you for what you do and how you do it!! I just feel her sincere desire to make learning interesting and bright! I never thought that distant learning using only videos can be so motivating, useful and valuable!!! Thank you all who developed that course for us!
Yeah! She is.
1:05 warau – laugh
1:34 oishii – delicious
2:03 mizu – water
2:37 cha – tea
3:08 kohī – coffee
3:42 bīru – beer
4:15 wain – wine
4:46 gyūniku – beef
5:21 toriniku – chicken
5:52 butaniku – pork
6:23 sakana – fish
6:54 ramuniku – lamb
7:28 isha – doctor
8:00 keisatsukan – police officer
8:34 sensei – teacher
9:02 jūgyoin – employee
9:35 kuru – come
10:09 miru – see
10:45 tsukuru – make
11:16 tsukau – use
12:21 review time
It’s funny how tea in Japanese is similar to tea in Hindi and bengali
@phoenixash Delfuego Do you know what you just said?
@αΩ auto correct is a joker sometimes.
@αΩ I just read your tea comment, interesting. I find it funny that the word Pies in polish means dog, pies in Spanish means feet and pies in English are pies so pies pies pies could be dog feet pies.
@phoenixash Delfuego Dayum lol that’s kinda funny how that works
I love how you have the translations in kanji, hiragana / katakana and in romanji
And furagana
@Ariana-Catarina Grande-Valentine
Wait what’s that-
@b1rthfl0w3r that’s when above or beside a kanji hiragana is written so you can still read and understand the word even if you dont know the kanji
Thank you Risa and for all the group working with you to make us these extremely useful videos.
This is so good! Vocabulary used in sentences is the best way to go. Thanks Risa.
I loved when she was teaching “water” and she genuinely said It with an english accent.
Aula bem proveitosa.
Desde Brasil.
7:21 my first japanese sentence that i correctly translate to english?
Wow… It’s nice to learn this in easy step. More videos please
hello Risa, i have a question about time.
when texting on line app or twitter and someone asked me about the time. is it ok to write in numbers like this “01;40 or like this 一時四十分 ?
thank you for your hard work <3
Either would be fine.
Thank you Risa for your hard work?
Really helpful ❤️
where are you from .
I love how similar Japanese words are to English
Interesting how the word “cha” means the same thing in my language and it’s pronounced the same.
I’m so proud to be working and learning more about the Japanese language and culture. I love Japanese people and cultures.
this is helping me alot i write all of it down and study it 3 rimes a day risa is honestly the best