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1100 useful phrases in Japanese for conversation

?? Learn Japanese (PLAYLIST)

– Slow & Easy Japanese Conversation Practice

– Real Japanese Phrases for Speaking

– 1000 Phrases to Speak Japanese Fluently

– Learn Japanese Sentences for Traveling and Vacations

– Practice Japanese conversation to learn slowly and easily

– Short and Basic Japanese Conversation Practice

– Learn Japanese Questions & Answers for Beginners

– 1100 useful phrases in Japanese for conversation

– Learn 300 Japanese Survival Phrases

– 1000 Most Common Japanese Phrases



  1. Brightmoonlight GirlX

    Here’s a tip to learn japanese
    Tip 1:learn hiragana and katakana hard! To improve your reading skills
    Tip2: learn basic grammer of japanese
    Tip 3:learn basic words and sentences
    Tip4:note the sentences and words to revise from any youtube channel your watching
    Tip5: watch anime without subtitles
    And re-watch the one which you have watch with subtitles but this time without substitles

    This would help you to hear and concerntrate on the pronunciation …
    And than keep practicing all words and try speaking half of your conversation in japanese

    I think this tips can help?you learn japanese fast

    1. shnopp

      Taekook Is real Wow same! I decided to learn Japanese first and I have a Japanese student I’ll be hosting tomorrow so I came here to be sure I can still somewhat communicate with her ? After I am confident with Japanese though I will definitely begin learning Korean ? Best of luck to you with learning Japanese ???? ( also lmao lowkey agreeing with your user)

    2. Nedeli

      I don’t know how you came to the conclusion that Japanese is easier… Also, if you base your whole language learning on what is the easiest, you’re most likely not going to learn much. Learning any language can be hard.

  2. Matthew Anderson

    So many comments about learning Japanese only for anime without subtitles lol. That is a lot of effort for something so small. Taking on learning the Japanese language is a huge task requiring tons of dedication. Anyone actually commit to this? I’ve been studying Japanese on and off for many years now for much more than Anime and I still find it hard to understand 100% everything in an Anime. I got Japanese books, audio clips (such as this), I talk to a few Japanese friends, play through a few Japanese games, and tag everything in my house with the Japanese word corresponding to it, and more. If anyone here in the comments actually learned Japanese for anime, was it worth it? lol 😛

  3. Happy Happy Joy Tran

    After watching anime for the last 20 years and not knowing any Japanese, I will learn Japanese seriously for the next 5 years so I can at least understand half of they are saying while watching anime. 🙂 Whatever the reason, it always good to learn another language.

  4. 夜者。

    Hello!I’m Japanese.I’m glad to study Japanese.Good luck everyone.Japanese people also support!


  5. y u k i

    *some of people’s reasons why they learn japanese is to watch anime without subtitles, and i also have the same reason but i saw this girl from social media and she is super good at japanese she started learning at 11 and someone asked her if she watch anime without sub and she replied “i tried watching without sub, but its still hard because they talk so fast but i understand most of them.” and make me think should i still learn japanese? because thats my reason watching anime without sub. but i said to my self i’ll still keep going because i could also use it when i got to japan if its not covid or whatever. (the girl im talking about was a weeb ???)*

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